import exceptions
import priority_queue
# TODO this is actually not a great system should probably be a member of Graph
def transverse_graph(graph, i, directed=-1):
graph.current_node = graph.get_node(i)
graph.directed = 0
while 1:
next =
raise StopIteration
yield next
# TODO using a priority queue is not enough to assume connectivity will be
# followed correctly. Need to inforce that connectivity will go from
# motif that is aligned to one that is not and not build connections between
# ends 1 of two different motifs such at the end of a build path possibly need
# seperate class that is a DirectedGraph instead of just Graph
# see /rnamake/unittests/resources/motif_graph/ to see this issue
[docs]class Graph(object):
General implementation of a undirected graph. Do not call directly!
`nodes` : list of GraphNode objects
all the nodes in the tree, used for fast access by index
`connections` : list of GraphConnection objects
all the connections between two different nodes in the graph
`level` : int
the current graph level, used for quickly deleting sections of the graph
`index`: int
the current node index, always the length of the number of nodes in teh graph
`last_node`: GraphNode object
the last node added to the graph
`current_node`: GraphNode object
the current node during iteration
`queue`: PriorityQueue object
tracks which nodes to visit turning iteration
`seen`: List of GraphNode Objects
tracks which nodes have alaready been visited during iteration
def __init__(self):
self.nodes, self.connections, self.level, self.index = [], [], 0, 0
self.last_node = None
# iterator stuff
self.current_node = None
self.queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
self.seen = []
self.directed = -1
def __len__(self):
return len(self.nodes)
def __iter__(self):
if len(self.nodes) != 0:
for n in self.nodes:
avail_pos = n.available_children_pos()
if len(avail_pos) != 0:
self.current_node = n
if self.current_node is None:
self.current_node = self.nodes[0]
self.current_node = None
self.seen = [self.current_node]
self.queue = priority_queue.PriorityQueue()
self.directed = -1
return self
def next(self):
if self.current_node is None:
raise StopIteration
node = self.current_node
for i, c in enumerate(node.connections):
if c is None:
partner = c.partner(node.index)
if c.end_index(partner.index) != 0 and self.directed == 0:
if partner not in self.seen:
self.queue.put(partner, partner.index)
if self.queue.empty() and len(self.seen) == len(self.nodes):
self.current_node = None
elif self.queue.empty():
self.current_node = None
for n in self.nodes:
if n not in self.seen:
self.current_node = n
self.current_node = self.queue.get()
return node
[docs] def get_node(self, index):
:param index: the node index that you want
:type index: int
:return: GraphNode object
:raises: exceptions.GraphIndexException
.. code-block:: python
>>> g = Graph()
>>> g.add_data(10)
#get node of index '0' which is the first one
>>> print g.get_node(0).data
for n in self.nodes:
if n.index == index:
return n
raise exceptions.GraphIndexException(
"node %d was requested but does not exist" % (index))
[docs] def oldest_node(self):
returns the node with the lowest index. Only used a few examples may
deprecated in next verision.
:returns: GraphNode object
.. code-block:: python
>>> g = Graph()
>>> g.add_data(10)
>>> g.add_data(5)
>>> g.add_data(15)
>>> g.oldest_node().data
node = self.last_node
for n in self.nodes:
if n.index < node.index:
node = n
return node
[docs] def increase_level(self):
Increases the level of nodes to be added. default level is 0. This is
useful when removing or adding a set of nodes. Think of level as a
grouping mechanism
self.level += 1
[docs] def decrease_level(self):
Decreases the level of nodes to be added. default level is 0. This is
useful when removing or adding a set of nodes. Think of level as a
grouping mechanism
if self.level == 0:
raise exceptions.GraphException("cannot decrease level anymore is "
"already 0")
self.level -= 1
# TODO this could probably just be Graph doesnt need to be its own class
[docs]class GraphDynamic(Graph):
a Graph with dynamic connections between nodes. i.e. each node does NOT
have a predefined number of connections. Each node starts with 0
connections and are added over time, there is no max to the number of
connections each node can have
`nodes` : list of GraphNode objects
all the nodes in the tree, used for fast access by index
`connections` : list of GraphConnection objects
all the connections between two different nodes in the graph
`level` : int
the current graph level, used for quickly deleting sections of the graph
`index`: int
the current node index, always the length of the number of nodes in teh graph
`last_node`: GraphNode object
the last node added to the graph
`current_node`: GraphNode object
the current node during iteration
`queue`: PriorityQueue object
tracks which nodes to visit turning iteration
`seen`: List of GraphNode Objects
tracks which nodes have alaready been visited during iteration
.. code-block:: python
>>> g = GraphDynamic()
>>> g.add_data(0)
>>> g.add_data(1)
>>> g.add_data(2, parent_index=0)
>>> g.add_data(3, parent_index=0)
>>> len(g.get_node(0).connections)
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
[docs] def add_data(self, data, parent_index=-1):
add a new peice of data to the graph
:param data: Item to be added to graph
:param parent_index: index of node that this element should be connected too
:type data: can be anything
:type parent_index: int
:return: index of added node
:rtype: int
:raises: exceptions.GraphIndexException
parent = self.last_node
if parent_index != -1:
parent = self.get_node(parent_index)
n = GraphNodeDynamic(data, self.index, self.level)
if parent is not None:
c = GraphConnection(parent, n, 0, 0)
self.index += 1
self.last_node = n
return self.index - 1
[docs] def connect(self, i, j):
Add a connection between two nodes. Since this is a Dynamic Graph this
cannot fail. i and j can be the same
:param i: index of node 1 to connect
:param j: index of node 2 to connect
:type i: int
:type j: int
:return: None
n1 = self.get_node(i)
n2 = self.get_node(j)
c = GraphConnection(n1, n2, 0, 0)
if n1 != n2:
[docs]class GraphStatic(Graph):
a Graph with static connections between nodes. i.e. each node HAS a
predefined number of connections. This is useful for constructing graphs
of Motifs and Secondary Structure elements which have predefined ends.
`nodes` : list of GraphNode objects
all the nodes in the tree, used for fast access by index
`connections` : list of GraphConnection objects
all the connections between two different nodes in the graph
`level` : int
the current graph level, used for quickly deleting sections of the graph
`index`: int
the current node index, always the length of the number of nodes in teh graph
`last_node`: GraphNode object
the last node added to the graph
`current_node`: GraphNode object
the current node during iteration
`queue`: PriorityQueue object
tracks which nodes to visit turning iteration
`seen`: List of GraphNode Objects
tracks which nodes have alaready been visited during iteration
.. code-block:: python
>>> g = graph.GraphStatic()
# legend
# N0 = Node 0
# N0C0 = Connection 0 of Node 0
# add first node with 2 possible connection
>>> g.add_data(0, n_children=2)
# N0
# N0C0 / \ N0C1
# / \\
# None None
# add new node, connected to node 0. This new node: node 1 is connected
# to node 0 using the connnection in the 0th position on both node 0 and
# node 1. Do not need to specifiy parent_index=0 since adds to last node
# without specifying
# g.add_data(1, parent_index=0, parent_pos=0, child_pos=0, n_children=2)
# means the same thing
>>> g.add_data(1, parent_pos=0, child_pos=0, n_children=2)
# N0
# N0C0 / \ N0C1
# N1C0/ \\
# N1 None
# N1C1|
# |
# None
# add new node, connected to node 0.
>>> g.add_data(2, parent_index=0, parent_pos=1, child_pos=0, n_children=2)
# N0
# N0C0 / \ N0C1
# N1C0/ \ N2C0
# N1 N2
# N1C1| |N2C1
# | |
# None None
>>> g.connect(1, 2, 1, 1)
# N0
# N0C0 / \ N0C1
# N1C0/ \ N2C0
# N1----N2
# N1C1 N2C1
def __init__(self):
super(GraphStatic, self).__init__()
[docs] def add_data(self, data, parent_index=-1, parent_pos=-1, child_pos=-1, n_children=1,
orphan=0, index=-1):
Adds a new node to the graph given specfied data.
:param data: element to add to graph
:param parent_index: index of parent to connect to, optional
:param parent_pos: connection position to connect to parent, optional
:param child_pos: connection position on new node to be created, optional
:param n_children: number of connections new node will have, optional
:param orphan: whether node will not be connected to any other node.
default new nodes are connected to the last node added. if orphan=1
this will not happen
:param index: overrides internal index and set node to specific index
value, this is rarely used other then copying an entire graph
:type data: anything
:type parent_index: int
:type parent_pos: int
:type child_pos: int
:type n_children: int
:type orphan: int
:type index: int
:return: index of new node
:rtype: int
:raises: exceptions.GraphIndexException, exceptions.GraphInvalidEndException,
.. code-block:: python
>>> g = graph.GraphStatic()
# legend
# N0 = Node 0
# N0C0 = Connection 0 of Node 0
# add first node with 2 possible connection
>>> g.add_data(0, n_children=2)
# N0
# N0C0 / \ N0C1
# / \\
# None None
# add new node, connected to node 0. This new node: node 1 is connected
# to node 0 using the connnection in the 0th position on both node 0 and
# node 1. Do not need to specifiy parent_index=0 since adds to last node
# without specifying
# g.add_data(1, parent_index=0, parent_pos=0, child_pos=0, n_children=2)
# means the same thing
>>> g.add_data(1, parent_pos=0, child_pos=0, n_children=2)
# N0
# N0C0 / \ N0C1
# N1C0/ \\
# N1 None
# N1C1|
# |
# None
given_index = self.index
if index != -1:
given_index = index
found = 0
for n in self.nodes:
if n.index == index:
found = 1
if found:
raise exceptions.GraphIndexException(
"specified index: %d cannot be used as it already" % (index) +\
" assigned to a node")
parent = self.last_node
if parent_index != -1:
parent = self.get_node(parent_index)
if orphan:
parent = None
n = GraphNodeStatic(data, given_index, self.level, n_children)
if parent is not None:
if parent_pos == -1:
avail_ends = parent.available_children_pos()
if len(avail_ends) == 0:
raise exceptions.GraphInvalidEndException(
parent, -1,
"cannot add new node with parent %d " % (parent.index) +\
" have no free ends to connect to")
parent_pos = avail_ends[0]
c = GraphConnection(parent, n, parent_pos, child_pos)
parent.add_connection(c, parent_pos)
n.add_connection(c, child_pos)
self.index += 1
self.last_node = n
return given_index
[docs] def connect(self, i, j, i_pos, j_pos):
Connects two nodes together given a specific end index
:param i: index of node i
:param j: index of node j
:param i_pos: end pos of node i
:param j_pos: end pos of node j
:return: None
n1 = self.get_node(i)
n2 = self.get_node(j)
c = GraphConnection(n1, n2, i_pos, j_pos)
n1.add_connection(c, i_pos)
n2.add_connection(c, j_pos)
[docs] def remove_node(self, index):
removes a node with a given index
:param index: the index of the node you want to remove
:type index: int
:return: None
:raises: exceptions.GraphIndexException
n = self.get_node(index)
for c in n.connections:
if c is not None:
self.last_node = None
if len(self.nodes) > 0:
self.last_node = self.nodes[-1]
[docs] def remove_node_level(self, level=None):
remove all nodes with a given level, this is useful if you are unsure
how many nodes have been added from a given point. if level is not
specified level will be set to current level
:param level: the node minimum node level you want to remove
:type level: int
:return: None
if level is None:
level = self.level
nodes = self.nodes[::-1]
while 1:
removed = 0
for n in nodes:
if n.level == level:
removed = 1
nodes = self.nodes[::-1]
if not removed:
# TODO rework this function, is badly named and confusing
[docs] def check_pos_is_value(self, n, pos, error=1):
checks to see if a given node has a free end to connect to
:param n: the node to check
:param pos: the end position to check
:param error: whether an error should be returned if end is not free,
default=1, will error
:type n: GraphNodeStatic
:type pos: int
:type error: int
:return: free end pos
if pos == -1:
avail_pos = n.available_children_pos()
if len(avail_pos) == 0:
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"cannot add connection to node has no available ends")
return avail_pos[0]
if n.available_pos(pos) == 0 and error:
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"graph pos is not available: " + str(pos) +
" on node: " + str(n.index) )
elif n.available_pos(pos) == 0:
return None
return pos
# TODO rename this function, badly named, what is the difference between
# this and check_pos_is_value?
[docs] def get_availiable_pos(self, n, pos):
checks to see if a given node has a free end position will return
and error if it doesn't
:param n: the graph node in question
:param pos: the end position (connection point)
:type n: GraphNodeStatic
:type pos: int
:return: returns a list of positions if successful
if pos == -1:
avail_pos = n.available_children_pos()
return avail_pos
if n.available_pos(pos) == 0:
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"graph pos is not available: " + str(pos) + " " +
return [pos]
[docs] def copy(self):
creates a deep copy of the graph tries to create a copy of the
data held in each node
:return: copy of graph
:rtype: GraphStatic
gs = GraphStatic()
new_nodes = []
for n in self.nodes:
gs.nodes = new_nodes
for c in self.connections:
i, j = c.node_1.index, c.node_2.index
ni, nj = c.end_index_1, c.end_index_2
gs.connect(i, j, ni, nj)
if self.last_node is not None:
gs.last_node = gs.nodes[self.last_node.index]
gs.level = self.level
gs.index = self.index
return gs
[docs]class GraphNode(object):
An abstract class to define the behavior of a graph node or an element of
data that has connectivity relationships to other elements of data of the
same type. This class is never called directly.
:param data: The element that you wish to store in the graph
:param index: The way for you to find this element of data again through
:param level: A way of grouping nodes together, increasing the level and
then removing all nodes of a given level is a quick way to batch
remove nodes
:param n_connections: The number of connections this node can have, in
GraphDynamic this does nothing.
:type data: anything
:type index: int
:type level: int
:type n_connections: int
`data` : anything
The element of data being stored in graph
`index`: int
The way for you to find this element of data again through
`level`: int
A way of grouping nodes together, increasing the level and
then removing all nodes of a given level is a quick way to batch
remove nodes
`connections`: list of GraphConnections
the connections the node has with other nodes
__slots__ = ["data", "index", "level", "connections"]
def __init__(self, data, index, level, n_connections=0):, self.index, self.level = data, index, level
self.connections = [None for x in range(n_connections)]
[docs] def available_children_pos(self):
gets all of the connection positions that are not filled yet for this
:return: a list of end positions not yet filled
:rtype: list of ints
pos = []
for i, c in enumerate(self.connections):
if c is None:
return pos
[docs] def available_pos(self, pos):
check to see if specific connection position is filled
:param pos: position to check within interal connctions member
:type pos: int
:return: returns 1 if not filled and 0 is filled
:rtype: int
if len(self.connections) <= pos:
return 0
if self.connections[pos] is not None:
return 0
return 1
[docs] def parent(self):
A way to find the oldest node the current node is connected to. This is
usually the parent node but this is not always 100% true. If is
connected to no other nodes will return None.
:return: the oldest node the current one is connected too
:rtype: GraphNode
for c in self.connections:
if c is None:
n = c.partner(self.index)
if n.index < self.index:
return n
return None
# TODO incorrectly named should be parent_end_index!
[docs] def parent_index(self):
Gets the end index of the connected node that is the oldest.
:return: end index of oldest connected node.
:rtype: int
parent = self.parent()
if parent is None:
return -1
for c in self.connections:
if c.partner(self.index) == parent.index:
return c.end_index(parent.index)
return -1
[docs] def connected(self, n):
check to see if another node is connected to this one. If so will
return the GraphConnection object that they share. If not will return
:param n: other GraphNode object
:type n: GraphNode
:return: Will return GraphConnection they share if connected if not
will return None
:rtype: GraphConnection
for c in self.connections:
if c is None:
if c.partner(self.index) == n:
return c
return None
[docs]class GraphNodeDynamic(GraphNode):
A GraphNode container that is specific for GraphDyanmic graphs. That is
it can be connected to an unlimited number of other nodes. There is no
reason to instantiate this class outside GraphDynamic.
:param data: The element that you wish to store in the graph
:param index: The way for you to find this element of data again through
:param level: A way of grouping nodes together, increasing the level and
then removing all nodes of a given level is a quick way to batch
remove nodes
:type data: anything
:type index: int
:type level: int
`data` : anything
The element of data being stored in graph
`index`: int
The way for you to find this element of data again through
`level`: int
A way of grouping nodes together, increasing the level and
then removing all nodes of a given level is a quick way to batch
remove nodes
`connections`: list of GraphConnections
the connections the node has with other nodes
__slots__ = ["data", "index", "level", "connections"]
def __init__(self, data, index, level):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(data, index, level)
[docs] def add_connection(self, c):
adds a connection to another graph node
:param c: a connection to another node
:type c: GraphConnection
:return: None
[docs] def remove_connection(self, c):
removes a connection to another node
:param c: a connection to another node
:type c: GraphConnection
:return: None
if c not in self.connections:
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"cannot remove connection not in node")
[docs]class GraphNodeStatic(GraphNode):
A GraphNode container that is specific for GraphStatic graphs. That is
it can be connected to an unlimited number of other nodes. There is no
reason to instantiate this class outside GraphStatic.
:param data: The element that you wish to store in the graph
:param index: The way for you to find this element of data again through
:param level: A way of grouping nodes together, increasing the level and
then removing all nodes of a given level is a quick way to batch
remove nodes
:param n_connections: The number of connections this node can have.
:type data: anything
:type index: int
:type level: int
:type n_connections: int
`data` : anything
The element of data being stored in graph
`index`: int
The way for you to find this element of data again through
`level`: int
A way of grouping nodes together, increasing the level and
then removing all nodes of a given level is a quick way to batch
remove nodes
`connections`: list of GraphConnections
the connections the node has with other nodes
__slots__ = ["data", "index", "level", "connections"]
def __init__(self, data, index, level, n_children):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(data, index, level, n_children)
[docs] def add_connection(self, c, pos):
Add a new connection at a specific position in connection list
:param c: the new connection
:param pos: the position to be added
:type c: GraphConnection
:type pos: int
:return: None
if pos < 0:
raise exceptions.GraphInvalidEndException(
self, pos,
"""attempted to add a new connection to node: %d at endpos
%d but thats lower then zero not allowed"""
% (self.index, pos))
if pos >= len(self.connections):
raise exceptions.GraphInvalidEndException(
self, pos,
"""attempted to add a new connection to node: %d at endpos
%d that is larger then the number of connections
this node has """ % (self.index, pos))
if self.connections[pos] is not None:
raise exceptions.GraphInvalidEndException(
self, pos,
"""attempted to add a new connection to node: %d at endpos
%d but it is full""" % (self.index, pos))
self.connections[pos] = c
[docs] def remove_connection(self, c):
Remove a connection at a specific position in connection list
:param c: the connection to remove
:type c: GraphConnection
:return: None
if c not in self.connections:
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"cannot remove connection not in node")
i = self.connections.index(c)
self.connections[i] = None
[docs] def copy(self):
deep copies graph node and also tries to deep copy data. Will work if
data element has a function copy().
:return: a deep copy of node
:rtype: GraphNodeStatic
new_data = None
new_data =
new_data =
c = GraphNodeStatic(new_data, self.index, self.level, len(self.connections))
return c
#TODO rename connection position from end. Not general enough
[docs]class GraphConnection(object):
A simple class to store a connection between two nodes in Graph classes.
Never needs to be called outside Graph classes.
:param node_1: first node in the connection, order doesn't matter
:param node_2: second node in the connection
:param end_index_1: connection position in node 1
:param_end_index_2: connection position in node 2
:type node_1: GraphNode
:type node_2: GraphNode
:type end_index_1: int
:type end_index_2: int
`node_1`: GraphNode
first node in the connection, order doesn't matter
`node_2`: GraphNode
second node in the connection
`end_index_1`: int
connection position in node 1
`end_index_2`: int
connection position in node 2
__slots__ = ["node_1", "node_2", "end_index_1", "end_index_2"]
def __init__(self, node_1, node_2, end_index_1, end_index_2):
self.node_1, self.node_2 = node_1, node_2
self.end_index_1, self.end_index_2 = end_index_1, end_index_2
def __repr__(self):
return "<GraphConnection(node_1: %d node_2: %d end_1: %d end_2: %d)" \
% (self.node_1.index, self.node_2.index, self.end_index_1,
[docs] def partner(self, n_index):
get other node in the connection.
:param n_index: index of node you know but want to find the other node
:type n_index: int
:return: other node
:rtype: GraphNode
if n_index == self.node_1.index:
return self.node_2
elif n_index == self.node_2.index:
return self.node_1
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"cannot call partner with node not in connection, index: " +\
n_index + " if this is not a number you messed up")
[docs] def end_index(self, n_index):
get the end index of a given node specified by its index
:param n_index: index of the node you want to find its end_index in
this connection
:type n_index: int
:return: end index of specified node in this connection
:rtype: int
if n_index == self.node_1.index:
return self.end_index_1
elif n_index == self.node_2.index:
return self.end_index_2
raise exceptions.GraphException(
"cannot call end_index with node not in connection")
[docs] def disconnect(self):
removes connection, gets each node to remove this connection from their
connection lists.
:return: None