import uuid
import numpy as np
import residue_type, util, basic_io, exceptions
# TODO work on removing this stuff, ResidueState is going into MotifState module
# This stuff is getting removed. but need now
class ResidueState(object):
def __init__(self, uuid):
self.uuid = uuid
self.beads = []
def copy(self):
return ResidueState(self.uuid)
class ResidueStateType(object):
NORM = 0
END = 1
class ResidueState2Bead(ResidueState):
def __init__(self, uuid, sugar, base, type=ResidueStateType.NORM):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(uuid)
self.sugar = sugar
self.base = base
self.beads = [sugar, base]
self.type = type
def copy(self):
sugar = np.copy(self.sugar)
base = np.copy(self.base)
return ResidueState2Bead(self.uuid, sugar, base, self.type)
def to_str(self):
return basic_io.points_to_str(self.beads) + "," + str(self.type)
def update(self, r, t):
self.beads =, r) + t
self.sugar = self.beads[0]
self.base = self.beads[1]
class ResidueState3Bead(ResidueState):
def __init__(self, uuid, sugar, base, phos,type=ResidueStateType.NORM):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(uuid)
self.sugar = sugar
self.base = base
self.phos = phos
self.beads = [sugar, base, phos]
self.type = type
def copy(self):
sugar = np.copy(self.sugar)
base = np.copy(self.base)
phos = np.copy(self.phos)
return ResidueState3Bead(self.uuid, sugar, base, phos, self.type)
def to_str(self):
return basic_io.points_to_str(self.beads) + "," + str(self.type)
def update(self, r, t):
self.beads =, r) + t
self.sugar = self.beads[0]
self.base = self.beads[1]
self.phos = self.beads[2]
def get_residue_state(r, type=ResidueStateType.NORM):
phos_atoms, sugar_atoms, base_atoms = [], [], []
for i, a in enumerate(r.atoms):
if a is None:
if i < 3:
elif i < 12:
return ResidueState3Bead(r.uuid,,,,
[docs]class BeadType(object):
BeadType is an ENUM type. This is to specify which center of atoms each bead
Phosphate (0): P, OP1, OP2\n
Sugar (1): O5',C5',C4',O4',C3',O3',C1',C2',O2'\n
Base (2): All remaining atoms
PHOS = 0 # P, OP1, OP2
SUGAR = 1 # O5', C5', C4', O4', C3', O3', C1', C2', O2'
BASE = 2 # All remaining
[docs]class Bead(object):
Bead class stores information related to keeping track of steric clashes
between residues during building. They are never used outside the Residue class
:param btype: type of the bead either Phos(Phosphate), Sugar or Base, of
the atoms used generate the center
:type btype: BeadType
:param center: The geometric center of the group of atoms
:type center: numpy array
__slots__ = ["center", "btype"]
def __init__(self, center, btype):, self.btype = center, btype
def __repr__(self):
center = basic_io.point_to_str(
return "<Bead(btype='%s', center='%s')>" % (self.type_name(), center)
[docs] def copy(self):
returns a deep copy of current bead object
:returns: copy of bead object
:rtype: Bead
return Bead(np.copy(, self.btype)
[docs] def type_name(self):
returns name of btype in string form
:returns: name of btype type
:rtype: str
if self.btype == 0:
return "PHOSPHATE"
if self.btype == 1:
return "SUGAR"
if self.btype == 2:
return "BASE"
[docs]class Residue(object):
Store residue information from pdb file, stores all Atom objects that
belong to residue. Implementation is designed to be extremely lightweight.
:param rtype: residue type, stores information about residue
:type rtype: residue_type.ResidueType
:param name: residue name
:type name: str
:param num: residue num
:type num: int
:param chain_id: chain identification
:type chain_id: str
:param i_code: insertion code, optional argument if not supplied will be
set to
:type i_code: str
`atoms` : atom.Atom
holds all atoms that belong to this residue object
`name` : str
name of residue, ex. ADE, GUA etc
`num` : int
residue num
`rtype` : residue_type.ResidueType
Information about residue type each nucleic acid has its own type
`chain_id` : str
chain indentification string, ex. 'A' or 'B'
`i_code`: str
residue insertion code
`uuid` : uuid.uuid1
the unique id to indentify residue
.. code-block:: python
# generating a new residue
>>> rts = residue_type.ResidueTypeSet()
>>> rtype = rts.get_rtype_by_resname("ADE")
>>> r = Residue(rtype, "ADE", 1, "A")
>>> print
#using test residue
>>> import rnamake.unittests.instances
>>> r = rnamake.unittests.instances.residue()
>>> print
>>> a = r.get_atom("C1'")
>>> print a.coords
[-23.806 -50.289 86.732]
>>> r.get_beads()
[<Bead(btype='SUGAR', center='-24.027 -48.5001111111 86.368')>, <Bead(btype='BASE', center='-21.2186363636 -52.048 85.1157272727')>]
#a fast way of saving coordinate information to file
>>> r.to_str()
"GUA,G,103,A,,N,N,N,O5' -26.469 -47.756 84.669,C5' -25.05 -47.579 84.775,C4' -24.521 -48.156 86.068,O4' -24.861 -49.568 86.118,C3' -23.009 -48.119 86.281,O3' -22.548 -46.872 86.808,C1' -23.806 -50.289 86.732,C2' -22.812 -49.259 87.269,O2' -23.167 -48.903 88.592,N1 -19.538 -52.485 85.025,C2 -19.717 -51.643 86.097,N2 -18.624 -51.354 86.809,N3 -20.884 -51.124 86.445,C4 -21.881 -51.521 85.623,C5 -21.811 -52.356 84.527,C6 -20.546 -52.91 84.164,O6 -20.273 -53.677 83.228,N7 -23.063 -52.513 83.947,C8 -23.858 -51.786 84.686,N9 -23.21 -51.159 85.722,"
#get PDB formmated coordinates back out
>>> r.to_pdb_str()
ATOM 1 O5' G A 103 -26.469 -47.756 84.669 1.00 0.00
ATOM 2 C5' G A 103 -25.050 -47.579 84.775 1.00 0.00
ATOM 3 C4' G A 103 -24.521 -48.156 86.068 1.00 0.00
ATOM 4 O4' G A 103 -24.861 -49.568 86.118 1.00 0.00
ATOM 5 C3' G A 103 -23.009 -48.119 86.281 1.00 0.00
ATOM 6 O3' G A 103 -22.548 -46.872 86.808 1.00 0.00
__slots__ = [
def __init__(self, rtype, name, num, chain_id, i_code=""):
self.rtype = rtype = name
self.num = num
self.chain_id = chain_id
self.i_code = i_code
self.uuid = uuid.uuid1()
# fix pickle bug
if len(self.i_code) == 0:
self.i_code = ""
self.atoms = []
def __repr__(self):
return "<Residue('%s%d%s chain %s')>" % (, self.num, self.i_code, self.chain_id)
[docs] def short_name(self):
"""gets letter of residue, i.e. A or G etc
:return: letter for residue
:rtype: str
[docs] def setup_atoms(self, atoms):
put atoms in correct positon in internal atom list, also corrects some
named atom names to their correct name
:param atoms: list of atom objects that are to be part of this residue
:type atoms: list of Atom objects
self.atoms = [None for x in self.rtype.atom_map.keys()]
for a in atoms:
name_change = self.rtype.get_correct_atom_name(a)
if name_change is not None: = name_change[1]
if in self.rtype.atom_map:
pos = self.rtype.atom_map[]
self.atoms[pos] = a
[docs] def get_atom(self, atom_name):
get atom object by its name
:param atom_name: name
:type atom_name: str
.. code-block:: python
>>> r = rnamake.unittests.instances.residue()
>>> a = r.get_atom("C1'")
>>> print a.coords
[-23.806 -50.289 86.732]
index = self.rtype.atom_map[atom_name]
return self.atoms[index]
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.ResidueException("cannot find atom")
[docs] def connected_to(self, res, cutoff=3.0):
Determine if another residue is connected to this residue, returns 0
if res is not connected to self, returns 1 if connection is going
from 5' to 3' and returns -1 if connection is going from 3' to 5'
:param res: another residue
:param cutoff: distance to be considered connected, default: 3 Angstroms
:type res: Residue
:type cutoff: int
:rtype: int
# 5' to 3'
o3_atom = self.get_atom("O3'")
p_atom = res.get_atom("P")
if o3_atom and p_atom:
if util.distance(o3_atom.coords, p_atom.coords) < cutoff:
return 1
# 3' to 5'
p_atom = self.get_atom("P")
o3_atom = res.get_atom("O3'")
if o3_atom and p_atom:
if util.distance(o3_atom.coords, p_atom.coords) < cutoff:
return -1
return 0
[docs] def get_beads(self):
Generates steric beads required for checking for steric clashes between
motifs. Each residues has three beads modeled after the typical three
bead models used in coarse grain modeling. The three beads are:
Phosphate: P, OP1, OP2\n
Sugar : O5',C5',C4',O4',C3',O3',C1',C2',O2'\n
Base : All remaining atoms
if there are for example no phosphate atoms only 2 beads will be returned.
.. code-block:: python
>>> import rnamake.unittests.instances
>>> r = rnamake.unittests.instances.residue()
>>> r.get_beads()
[<Bead(btype='SUGAR', center='-24.027 -48.5001111111 86.368')>, <Bead(btype='BASE', center='-21.2186363636 -52.048 85.1157272727')>]
phos_atoms, sugar_atoms, base_atoms = [], [], []
for i, a in enumerate(self.atoms):
if a is None:
if i < 3:
elif i < 12:
beads = []
types = [BeadType.PHOS, BeadType.SUGAR, BeadType.BASE]
for i, alist in enumerate([phos_atoms, sugar_atoms, base_atoms]):
if len(alist) > 0:
beads.append(Bead(, types[i]))
return beads
[docs] def copy(self):
performs a deep copy of Residue object
:rtype: Residue
.. code-block:: python
>>> import rnamake.unittests.instances
>>> r = rnamake.unittests.instances.residue()
>>> r_copy = r.copy()
copied_r = Residue(self.rtype,, self.num, self.chain_id, self.i_code)
copied_r.atoms = [None for x in range(len(self.atoms))]
for i, a in enumerate(self.atoms):
if a is None:
copied_r.atoms[i] = a.copy()
copied_r.uuid = self.uuid
return copied_r
[docs] def new_uuid(self):
give residue a new unique indentifier code.
There is probably no reason why you should call this unless writing a new,
motif structure.
self.uuid = uuid.uuid1()
[docs] def to_str(self):
stringifes residue object
:returns: stringified residue object
.. code-block:: python
>>> import rnamake.unittests.instances
>>> r = rnamake.unittests.instances.residue()
>>> r.to_str()
"GUA,G,103,A,,N,N,N,O5' -26.469 -47.756 84.669,C5' -25.05 -47.579 84.775,C4' -24.521 -48.156 86.068,O4' -24.861 -49.568 86.118,C3' -23.009 -48.119 86.281,O3' -22.548 -46.872 86.808,C1' -23.806 -50.289 86.732,C2' -22.812 -49.259 87.269,O2' -23.167 -48.903 88.592,N1 -19.538 -52.485 85.025,C2 -19.717 -51.643 86.097,N2 -18.624 -51.354 86.809,N3 -20.884 -51.124 86.445,C4 -21.881 -51.521 85.623,C5 -21.811 -52.356 84.527,C6 -20.546 -52.91 84.164,O6 -20.273 -53.677 83.228,N7 -23.063 -52.513 83.947,C8 -23.858 -51.786 84.686,N9 -23.21 -51.159 85.722,"
s = + "," + + "," + str(self.num) + "," + \
self.chain_id + "," + self.i_code + ","
for a in self.atoms:
if a is None:
s += "N,"
s += a.to_str() + ","
return s
[docs] def to_pdb_str(self, acount=1, return_acount=0, rnum=-1, chain_id=""):
returns pdb formatted string of residue's coordinate information
:param acount: current atom index, default: 1
:param return_acount: final atom index after current atoms, default: 0
:param rnum: starting residue number, default: -1
:param chain_id: the chain id of the chain, i.e. "A", "B" etc
:type acount: int
:type return_acount: int
:type rnum: int
:type chain_id: str
:rtype: str
.. code-block:: python
>>> import rnamake.unittests.instances
>>> r = rnamake.unittests.instances.residue()
>>> r.to_pdb_str()
ATOM 1 O5' G A 103 -26.469 -47.756 84.669 1.00 0.00
ATOM 2 C5' G A 103 -25.050 -47.579 84.775 1.00 0.00
ATOM 3 C4' G A 103 -24.521 -48.156 86.068 1.00 0.00
ATOM 4 O4' G A 103 -24.861 -49.568 86.118 1.00 0.00
ATOM 5 C3' G A 103 -23.009 -48.119 86.281 1.00 0.00
ATOM 6 O3' G A 103 -22.548 -46.872 86.808 1.00 0.00
num = self.num
cid = self.chain_id
if rnum != -1:
num = rnum
if chain_id != "":
cid = chain_id
s = ""
for a in self.atoms:
if a is None:
s += basic_io.PDBLINE_GE100K % \
('ATOM', acount,, '',[0], cid,
num, '', a.coords[0], a.coords[1], a.coords[2], 1.00,
0.00, '', '')
acount += 1
if return_acount:
return s, acount
return s
[docs] def to_pdb(self, fname="residue.pdb"):
Writes a PDB string formmated verision of this Residue object to file
:param fname: filename of output PDB file, default="chain.pdb"
:type fname: str
:return: None
f = open(fname, "w")
s = self.to_pdb_str()