import subprocess
import settings
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import util
import motif_type, exceptions
X3DNA_BIN_PATH = settings.X3DNA_PATH + "bin/"
os.environ['X3DNA'] = settings.X3DNA_PATH
# TODO figure out what operating system is being used
# TODO create at enum type for basepair types instead of strings
# TODO check to see what happens with RNA without chain ids
[docs]class X3dna(object):
a simple wrapper for interfacing with the x3dna package for determining the
basepairing in a pdb structure. Please support the author of x3dna directory
and cite his work and register on his site:
Data is returned as a list of X3DNA basepair objects which are simplistic
containers for storing which residues are contained in a basepair and
what the reference frame and type of the basepair is. These are different
from basepair.Basepair objects which store the actual atomic information
of a basepair
.. code-block:: python
>>> from rnamake.unittests import files
>>> from rnamake import x3dna
>>> x = x3dna.X3dna()
>>> basepairs = x.get_basepairs(files.P4P6_PDB_PATH)
>>> len(basepairs)
>>> basepairs[10]
<X3DNA Basepair(A131 A192 cW-W)>
def __init__(self):
self.find_pair_path = X3DNA_BIN_PATH + "find_pair"
self.analyze_path = X3DNA_BIN_PATH + "analyze"
self.dssr_path = X3DNA_BIN_PATH + "x3dna-dssr"
if not os.path.isfile(self.find_pair_path):
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
"%s executable should exist but doesnt! " % (self.find_pair_path))
if not os.path.isfile(self.analyze_path):
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
"%s executable should exist but doesnt! " % (self.analyze_path))
if not os.path.isfile(self.dssr_path):
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
"%s executable should exist but doesnt! " % (self.dssr_path))
self.ref_frames_extra_files = (
"auxiliary.par,bestpairs.pdb,bp_helical.par,bp_order.dat," + \
"bp_step.par,cf_7methods.par,col_chains.scr,col_helices.scr," + \
self.dssr_extra_files = (
"dssr-2ndstrs.ct,dssr-2ndstrs.dbn,dssr-helices.pdb,"+ \
"dssr-pairs.pdb,dssr-stems.pdb,hel_regions.pdb,hstacking.pdb,"+ \
"poc_haxis.r3d,stacking.pdb,dssr-torsions.dat,dssr-Kturns.pdb,"+ \
def _remove_files(self, f_list):
for f in f_list:
[docs] def generate_ref_frame(self, pdb_path):
runs x3dna/find_pair and x3dna/analyze to get the basepairing
information of a given pdb and it is updated to a ref_frames.dat
file which can be parsed by get_basepair_info if necessary
:param pdb_path: the pdb you want to run without the .pdb extension
:type pdb_path: str
.. code-block:: python
# after running should be a "ref_frames.dat" in current dir
>>> from rnamake import x3dna
>>> x = x3dna.X3dna()
>>> x.generate_ref_frame("test.pdb")
pdb_name = util.filename(pdb_path)[:-4]
if not os.path.isfile(pdb_path):
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
pdb_path + " is not found cannot generate ref_frames.dat file")
result =
self.find_pair_path + " " + pdb_path + " 2> /dev/null " +
"stdout | " + self.analyze_path + " stdin >& /dev/null",
executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)
if result != 0:
raise exceptions.X3dnaException("find_pair did not run correctly")
if not os.path.isfile("ref_frames.dat"):
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
"generate_ref_frame was ran on %s but no " % (pdb_path) +
"ref_frames.dat file was produced something extremely wrong")
[docs] def generate_dssr_file(self, pdb_path):
runs x3dna's dssr which assigns the secondary structure and each of
the motifs in a RNA structure
:param pdb_name: the pdb you want to run without the .pdb extension
:type pdb_name: str
if not os.path.isfile(pdb_path):
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
pdb_path + " is not found cannot generate dssr file")
pdb_name = util.filename(pdb_path)[:-4]
result =
self.dssr_path + " -i="+pdb_path+" -o="+pdb_name+ \
"_dssr.out --non-pair >& /dev/null", shell=True,
if result != 0:
raise exceptions.X3dnaException("dssr did not run correctly")
def _parse_ref_frame_file(self, ref_frames_path):
Helper function do not run outside! parses out basepair information
from ref_frames.dat which can be generated using generate_ref_frame
:param ref_frames_path: the path to the ref_frames.dat file
:type ref_frames_path: str
f = open(ref_frames_path)
lines = f.readlines()
p = re.compile('(\w+)\:\.*(\d+)\_\:\[\.*\w+\]\w+ \- (\w+)\:\.*(\d+)')
r = []
d = []
basepairs = []
start_bp = 0
bps = None
for l in lines:
if l[0:3] == "...":
start_bp = 1
m =
bps = m.groups()
raise exceptions.X3dnaException(
"did not parse 3DNA ref frame correctly")
if start_bp == 0:
if start_bp == 1:
split = re.split("\s+", l)
d = [ float(x) for x in split[1:4] ]
start_bp += 1
elif start_bp > 1:
split = re.split("\s+", l)
r.append([ float(x) for x in split[1:4] ])
start_bp += 1
#have everything, generate BasePair object
if start_bp == 5:
res1 = Residue(int(bps[1]), bps[0])
res2 = Residue(int(bps[3]), bps[2])
basepairs.append(Basepair(res1, res2, np.array(r), np.array(d)))
r = []
d = []
return basepairs
def _get_ref_frame_path(self, path):
determines were the ref_frames.dat file generated by x3dna is located
checks where the pdb is where would be the it would be if its a motif
directory. Also checks local directory and if does not exist in either
location it creates a new one using generate_ref_frame. This is a
helper function do not call directly!
:param pdb_name: the pdb you want to run without the .pdb extension
:type pdb_name: str
filename = util.filename(path)
if os.path.isdir(path):
ref_frames_path = path + "/ref_frames.dat"
base_dir = util.base_dir(path)
filename = filename[:-4]
ref_frames_path = base_dir + "/ref_frames.dat"
if not os.path.isfile(ref_frames_path):
ref_frames_path = "ref_frames.dat"
return ref_frames_path
def _get_dssr_file_path(self, path):
determines were the pdb_dssr.out file generated by x3dna is located
checks where the pdb is where would be the it would be if its a motif
directory. Also checks local directory and if does not exist in either
location it creates a new one using generate_dssr_file. This is a
helper function do not call directly!
:param pdb_name: the pdb you want to run without the .pdb extension
:type pdb_name: str
filename = util.filename(path)
dssr_file_path = None
if os.path.isdir(path):
dssr_file_path = path + "/" + filename + "_dssr.out"
base_dir = util.base_dir(path)
filename = filename[:-4]
dssr_file_path = base_dir + "/" + filename + "_dssr.out"
if not os.path.isfile(dssr_file_path):
dssr_file_path = filename + "_dssr.out"
return dssr_file_path
def _parse_dssr_res_str(self, res_str):
helper function to convert the dssr residue indentifier into a
X3DNA residue object
:param res_str: dssr residue indentifier
:type res_str: str
# TODO reevalute this code, not sure I need all this complexity
p = re.compile(r"^\d+$")
spl = re.split("\.",res_str)
chain = spl[0]
rnum = spl[1][1:]
i_code = ""
if not p.match(rnum):
r_spl = spl[1]
i_code = ""
i_spl = re.split("\^",spl[1])
if len(i_spl) > 1:
r_spl = i_spl[0]
i_code = i_spl[1]
num = ""
for e in r_spl[::-1]:
int_e = int(e)
num = e + num
return None
return Residue(int(rnum), chain, i_code)
def _divide_dssr_file_into_sections(self, dssr_file_path):
splits up the dssr file by the title
:param dssr_file_path: the location of the dssr file
:type dssr_file_path: str
f = open(dssr_file_path)
lines = f.readlines()
p = re.compile(r"List of \d+\s*(\S+)")
sections = {}
section = []
section_name = ""
for l in lines:
if len(section) == 0 and p.match(l):
m = p.match(l)
section_name =
if section_name == 'helix':
section_name = 'helices'
if section_name[-1] != "s":
section_name = section_name + "s"
if l[0] == '*':
if len(section) != 0 and section_name not in sections:
sections[section_name] = section
section = []
return sections
[docs] def get_basepairs(self, pdb_path):
generates and/or collects the information from the ref_frame.dat
file and dssr output file to determine the basepairing between
residues and what type each basepair is. Returns a list of basepair
X3DNA objects.
:param pdb_path: path to the pdb file
:type pdb_path: str
ref_frames_path = self._get_ref_frame_path(pdb_path)
dssr_file_path = self._get_dssr_file_path(pdb_path)
basepairs = self._parse_ref_frame_file(ref_frames_path)
section = self._divide_dssr_file_into_sections(dssr_file_path)['bases']
for l in section:
spl = re.split("\s+",l)
if len(spl) < 6:
if not spl[1].isdigit():
res1 = self._parse_dssr_res_str(spl[2])
res2 = self._parse_dssr_res_str(spl[3])
if res1 == None or res2 == None:
bp_type = spl[8]
if len(bp_type) < 1:
bp_type = spl[7]
found = 0
for bp in basepairs:
if bp.res1 == res1 and bp.res2 == res2:
bp.bp_type = bp_type
found = 1
if bp.res2 == res1 and bp.res1 == res2:
bp.bp_type = bp_type
found = 1
if found:
if not found:
basepairs.append(Basepair(res1, res2, np.eye(3),
basepairs[-1].bp_type = bp_type
return basepairs
def get_dssr_file_sections(self, pdb_path):
dssr_file_path = self._get_dssr_file_path(pdb_path)
return self._divide_dssr_file_into_sections(dssr_file_path)
def get_motifs(self, pdb_path):
dssr_file_path = self._get_dssr_file_path(pdb_path)
types = { 'hairpins' : motif_type.HAIRPIN,
'bulges' : motif_type.TWOWAY,
'internals' : motif_type.TWOWAY,
'junctions' : motif_type.NWAY,
'non-loops' : motif_type.SSTRAND}
file_sections = self._divide_dssr_file_into_sections(dssr_file_path)
all_motifs = []
for section, t in types.iteritems():
if section in file_sections:
motifs = self._parse_dssr_section(file_sections[section], t)
if 'stems' in file_sections:
motifs = self._parse_dssr_helix_section(file_sections['stems'])
return all_motifs
def _parse_dssr_section(self, section, mtype):
motifs = []
seen_res = []
for l in section:
spl = l.split()
if spl[0][:3] != 'nts':
if len(spl) < 3:
res = []
for res_str in spl[2].split(","):
res_obj = self._parse_dssr_res_str(res_str)
count = 0
for r in res:
if r in seen_res:
count += 1
if count == len(res):
motifs.append(Motif(res, mtype))
return motifs
def _parse_dssr_helix_section(self, section):
p = re.compile("\d+")
res = []
motifs = []
for l in section:
spl = l.split()
if not p.match(spl[0]):
if int(spl[0]) == 1 and len(res) > 0:
motifs.append(Motif(res, motif_type.HELIX))
res = []
if len(res) > 0:
motifs.append(Motif(res, motif_type.HELIX))
return motifs
[docs]class Motif(object):
Container for motif residues from dssr files produceed by x3dna. Should not
be instantiated outside x3dna.X3dna class.
`residues` : list of Residue objects
residues that belong to same motif
`mtype`: motif_type enum
the enum type of the given motif
__slots__ = ["residues", "mtype"]
def __init__(self, residues, mtype):
self.residues, self.mtype = residues, mtype
[docs]class Basepair(object):
Container for basepairs from ref_frames and dssr files produced
by x3dna. Should not be instantiated outside x3dna.X3dna class.
`res1` : Residue
first residue in basepair
`res2` : Residue
second residue in basepair
`r` : np.array
rotation matrix describing principle axies of orientation of basepair
`d` : np.array
center point of basepair
`bp_type`: str
x3dna dssr basepair type, see x3dna for more details
__slots__ = ["res1", "res2", "r", "d", "bp_type"]
def __init__(self, res1, res2, r, d):
self.res1, self.res2, self.r, self.d = res1, res2, r, d
self.bp_type = "c..."
def __repr__(self):
res1 = self.res1.chain_id + str(self.res1.num) + self.res1.i_code
res2 = self.res2.chain_id + str(self.res2.num) + self.res2.i_code
return "<X3DNA Basepair(%s %s %s)>" % \
(res1, res2, self.bp_type)
[docs]class Residue(object):
Container for residues from ref_frames and dssr files produced
by x3dna. Should not be instantiated outside x3dna.X3dna class.
`num` : int
residue number
`chain_id` : str
residue chain id
`i_code` : str
residue insertion code
__slots__ = ["num", "chain_id", "i_code"]
def __init__(self, num, chain_id, i_code=""):
self.num, self.chain_id, self.i_code = num, chain_id, i_code
def __repr__(self):
return "<X3DNA Residue(%s%s %s)>" % \
(self.num, self.i_code, self.chain_id)
def __eq__(self, res):
if res == None:
return 0
return self.num == res.num and self.chain_id == res.chain_id and \
self.i_code == res.i_code
def __ne__(self, res):
return not (self.num == res.num and self.chain_id == res.chain_id \
and self.i_code == res.i_code)